Probiotic Revolution
Meet the future of probiotic solutions
for modern farming
What is the
Probiotic Revolution?

11 Biological ingredients
More than a simple yeast or probiotic product, Probiotic Revolution uses the synergistic impact of a combination of 5 strains of bacteria, 5 digestive enzymes, and a live active yeast

Unrivalled power
It’s about the type of troops, and how many of them you bring to the fight.Our products contain unmatched levels – 12 billion cfu/dose up to a whopping 150 billion cfu/dose

Accelerated calf growth

sCC management
Sub-clinical issues in dairy farming can often reflect imbalances in herd health. Probiotic Revolution can tailor solutions to improve your short and longer-term outcomes.

Lift production / performance

Mastitis-inhibiting bacteria

Improving effluent

Dogs deserve the best
View some of our farmer stories:
Scott Aitchison
Cole Townsend
John McCarty

Introducing our premier product, Calf Xtreme Plus!
Our customers have recently rated it 9.5 out of 10 for satisfaction.
But Calf Xtreme is not just a product you can pick up off the shelf. It comes with a comprehensive plan to revolutionize your system through personal support from our expert Pro team. Adding Calf Xtreme to your system can bring about significant changes, and our experienced team can identify and guide you through the process.
Calf Xtreme is made up of a synergistic blend of beneficial bacteria, digestive enzymes, and live active yeast. Farmers have reported that Calf Xtreme:
- Helps protect and/or aids recovery from disease in ways they have not seen with other products
- Can help achieve high rates of milk intake early in young calves
- Helps protect the rumen from digestive upsets leading to nutritional scours
- Can help calves reach target weaning weights 2-4 weeks earlier
- Increases the intake of meal, hay, and grass even at high rates of milk intake
- Improves post-weaning growth rates
For heifers, the greatest benefit could be extra heifer milk production. Research has shown that heifers that grow faster in the first 3 to 5 weeks of life will milk better in their first lactation compared to a control group calved at the same liveweight.
To use Calf Xtreme, simply mix 1 g/day* with cold or warm milk or water in the shaker provided. Each dose delivers at least 12 billion cfu of bacteria and yeast.
The ingredients in Calf Xtreme include 5 strains of bacteria including Bacillus subtilis, 5 digestive enzymes, and a specialized strain of live yeast.

Probiotic Revolution
Product range:
Bovine Boost
The most powerful probiotic available in New Zealand for cows, delivering 150 billion cfu/dose including mastitis inhibiting bacteria
Calf Xtreme Plus
Calf Xtreme Plus won’t be found on a shelf because it comes with a plan to revolutionize your system through personal support from our Pro team
A convenient & fast oral treatment paste with unprecedented strength containing 7 strains of bacteria, live active yeast and Vitamin E

Farmer Stories
Farm 4 Life
Tangaroa decided to test one pen of the farm’s KiwiCross calves on the once-a-day feeding with Calf Xtreme. He immediately noticed a change.
“The calves on once-a-day just didn’t care that I turned up in the afternoon to feed the other calves,” Tangaroa said. “By the third afternoon, their body language told me that once-a-day was ok. So, from 12 days old pretty much all the calves were on 5.5 litres once-a-day.”
It was moved to 6.5 litres as they grew.
“What I also noticed over the next six weeks was the amount of additional condition they put on their back,”
His calves were “smashing” their meal and hay between four and six weeks of age, and by week six, 30% of the calves were content to either “take or leave” their milk.
“We weaned our heifers at seven to eight weeks of age – which was two to four weeks earlier than normal – at the same weight as usual,”
Tangaroa Walker – Farm 4 Life
Our Industry Friends:
SuperStart Lead Feed and Rumicell available blended with minerals through: